Double your Output and Reduce Firearm Manufacturing Costs with Multi-spindle Machining

Multi-spindle machining is the silver bullet of firearms manufacturing – a truly effortless solution that solves many manufacturing challenges. By replacing your single-spindle machining centers with multi-spindle centers, you can:

  • Drastically increase output
  • Conserve floor space
  • Reduce labor costs
  • Reduce energy consumption
  • Decrease manufacturing cost per part

Drastically increase output with two or four spindles instead of one.

Not only can you machine 2 or 4 parts simultaneously, the cycle time is amortized over multiple parts. Machining with four spindles can reduce cycle times up to 60 percent versus single-spindle machines. To further maximize output, SW North America, Inc.’s dual-table machines enable loading and unloading parallel to machining time, virtually eliminating non-productive machining time. For increased flexibility, some multi-spindle machines offer the option of independent X, Y, and Z axes.

Conserve floor space up to 66 percent with a quad-spindle machine versus a single-spindle machine.

Similarly, the space savings are considerable when replacing single-spindle machines with twin-spindle machines. When machining aluminum, a twin-spindle machine can replace up to three single-spindle machines due to the design of the fixtures and tool changers and the moves the machine can make all at once. Since one machine can produce the output of 2, 3, or 4 machines, less floor space is required, and you can achieve significantly higher capacity from your production floor. SW North America, Inc. can also design and implement a completely automated system solution that can further consolidate tasks such as gauging and laser marking, and eliminate space-consuming equipment.

Reduce labor with multi-spindle machining since one machine can replace multiple machines.

Integrated automation and a part storage tower enable lights-out machining for an entire 8-hour shift or longer, depending upon the workpiece. Programming and operating a multi-spindle machine is very similar to programming and operating a single-spindle machine, and the multi-touch control panel and tool control system are very easy to operate. SW North America, Inc.’s fully automated systems solutions can further reduce your labor costs, as one operator can run a complete production line.

Reduce energy consumption by 50% per part with multi-spindle machining centers.

Less energy consumption means lower machining costs and reduced C02 production for a greener, more efficient manufacturing facility.

Decreased manufacturing cost per part is one of the most significant advantages of multi-spindle machining.

One four-spindle machine has comparable output to four single-spindle machines. Every machine represents an investment, with additional investments in spare parts. (More machines mean more spare parts). By reducing the number of machines in your production line, costs associated with consumables and maintenance are also reduced. Automation can further reduce your manufacturing cost per part, particularly when you can have one robot serving two or more machines.

On an individual basis, a multi-spindle machine may be a more costly investment than a single-spindle machine. However, when buying one four-spindle machine, that’s four single-spindle machines you no longer need, three fewer operators, about two-thirds of the floor space saved, and fewer spare parts. You’re also conserving electricity, coolant, and air consumption.

With SW North America, Inc.’s patented monoblock design, there is no compromise in quality with multi-spindle machining. The monoblock design allows for high machine rigidity by minimizing bending and ensuring optimum torsion-free flow of force between the workpiece, tool, and the spindle. SW North America, Inc. machining centers set standards in economical and precise machining of steel, cast iron and non-ferrous materials.

Multi-spindle CNC machines offer many manufacturing benefits. Among these benefits are increased output, reduction of floor space consumption, reduced energy consumption, decreased manufacturing cost part, and help with labor issues related to staffing and skills.

To learn more about how multi-spindle technology can benefit your production, please contact us at